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2019 Society & Culture NTCET Start Up workshop

Tue, 19 Feb 2019
16:00 - 17:00

GHTANT is pleased to offer an opportunity for Stage 2 teachers of Society & Culture to get together to share ideas, discuss issues and ask and answer questions of experienced subject teachers. You may like to bring along Learning & Assessment Plans and task sheets for discussion. Both experienced and new teachers are strongly encouraged to come along.

The event is designed to be fairly friendly and informal with an emphasis on building connections and a support network.

Stage 1 teachers are equally welcome to come along, as are any other interested teachers keen to hear about Society & Culture.

Haydn Whitty from Darwin High School will be presenting at the Casuarina Senior College libary. 

The event is free for members and non-members of GHTANT. Non-members are strongly encouraged to join so we can create an active, supporting professional association for humanities teachers. 

Travel funding is not available for regional and remote teachers, but we will have Skype access available. 

Ticket Type Price
NTCET Society & Culture workshop $0.00 Sale Ended
Casuarina Senior College
Moil NT 0810, Australia

PO Box 41228, Casuarina, Northern Territory, 0811, Australia

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